All plants need fertilizer to maximize their performance. New advancements allow us to manage release patterns and plant absorption rates.
The efficiencies of liquid fertilizers allow us to maximize productivity and simultaneously minimize the environmental impact. FSC carries the leading brands of liquid fertilizer in the industry, utilizing the newest technologies in plant fertility.
ReGenerate Foliar Fertilizers    
Earthworks Liquid Organic Fertilizers 
Grigg Brothers Foliar Fertilizers 
The term “quality granular fertilizer” can mean different things to different people. The components of the fertilizer, the slow release nitrogen technology, the particle sizing and the cleanliness of the final product are all critical in determining the value of any fertilizer.
Fisher & Son Company stocks the best brands servicing our marketplace. The quality is always the first priority. We guarantee it!
FSC Select      Lebanon Country Club Fertilizers 
The Andersons Fertilizers – Contec      Earthworks Granular Organic Fertilizers